On the dam playground a single dam pre-dimensioning can be calculated and visualized. As soon as an input parameter is changed and the reinforced dam can be calculated, the calculation and display is automatically updated.
Visualization |
Representation of the dam geometry, the block impact, the penetration depth and the deflection on the valley side. |
Options |
Berechnung des Damms, Export der Berechnungsresultate (in TXT-Format), Import von Dammdefinitionen aus dem Profil ()
Calculation of the dam, export of the calculation results (in TXT format), import of dam definitions from the profile (if defined and saved in the profile) |
Input Parameter |
All input parameters divided according to impact dimensioning, dam geometry, geotechnical parameters and calculation parameters.
A dam is mapped in RODMOD 5.0 with 4 terrain points: •1st point = dam foot mountain side •Points 2 and 3 = dam crest, which is horizontal. •4th point = dam foot valley side
However, the dam is defined by the parameters mountain-side and valley-side dam height, dam crest width, mountain-side and valley-side dam slope inclination.
Note: If a numerical value is outlined in red, it is outside the valid range. Notes in the Calculation Conditions window provide more detailed information.
The result of a dam calculation is summarized here.
The safety against failure (Fdurchschlag) is shown both numerically and as text. The conversion is carried out according to:
Errors in the input parameters are explained in more detail here. Hints for the solution are displayed. |
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