#Layout / Graphic
As soon as simulation results are available, a preview can be created.
•Tab "Block Selections" (Link to Rockfall Simulation)
•Create PDF •Adjust display anpassen (Zoom, 100%, page width, whole page, two pages) |
If a simulation has been calculated in the active scenario, a preview can be generated. |
Load Layout |
You can use this option to copy the layout settings of another scenario. All previous layout settings are overwritten. In the selection list, select the scenario from which you want to copy the settings. |
Tabs Content / Design / Header and Labels / Block Selections |
•Tab "Block Selections" (Link to Rockfall Simulation)
Plot Range |
•Fit Profile Ratio: Based on the plot area, the display ratio of the "Profile" element is adjusted. See Content Elements •Fit X-axis: Adjusts the maximum X-value of the plot area to the maximum profile length. •X-axis plot area: Selects the profile area shown in the output document. In order to draw the full height of the profile, the display ratio must be adjusted with Fit Profile Ratio. |
Content Options |
•Move elements up / down: Defines the order of the content elements. •Reset the content elements: All adjustments in the table are reset to the default values. •Fit Z-values: Adds maximum Z-values to the content elements. These values are rounded up to the nearest 10th or 100th digit. •Add simulation parameters: Creates a table with all simulation parameters at the end of the output document. •Add file path: Adds the file path of the active project at the end of the output document. |
The available content elements can be edited in this table. •Element name: is only used for identification and has no influence on the output document. •Plot Yes/No: Select whether the content element should be plotted. •Ratio relative to A4 height: allows you to define the vertical extent of the content element. The value refers to an entire A4 page height. A value of 1 corresponds to an entire A4 page. Values smaller than 0.2 should be avoided. •Maximum Z-value: defines the maximum Z-value for the upper boundary of the content element. A value of 0 activates the automatic adjustment. •Grid Step Z: defines the grid spacing in Z direction. A value of 0 activates the automatic adjustment. •Legend Yes/No: Select whether to add a legend to the content element. •Legend position: Selection of the legend position •Legend orientation: Selection of the legend orientation |
Arrow Annotations |
Arrows with labels can be added to the profile plot. The X-value of the arrow head is specified and automatically created using Add arrow. The arrow can then be edited in the table: •Label: Label of the arrow •Show Yes/No: Select whether the arrow should be plotted. •X Start / Z Start: Position of the label in profile coordinates •X End / Z End: Position of the arrow head •Delete Yes / No: To delete the arrow, mark the checkbox and then click Delete flagged arrows in the menu. It may be necessary to finish the editing of the arrow beforehand with Enter, otherwise the deletion mark will not be saved.
Plot Options |
See Plot Options (Link to Rockfall Simulation) |
Reset Numeric Parameters |
This allows the numeric values in the table below to be reset to the default values. |
Color Definitions |
Here you can select the color for the individual elements of the statistics diagrams. |
Resolution and Axes |
•Plot resolution: This value determines the size of the plot labels and line widths. Smaller values lead to smaller elements, larger values lead to larger elements. We recommend not to change this value. •X-axis / Z-axis Grid: Representation of the main and auxiliary axes. The grid distance can also be defined for the X-axis. "NaN" (Not a number) can be used for automatic adjustments. |
Header |
The document header of all output documents of the active scenario are defined here. •Title •Subtitle •Description (optional): if this field is left empty, the entire line will not be printed in the output document. •Date of modeling / event •Mandate number •Company name
Below is a summary preview that shows how the scenario parameters are summarized in the output document. This summary is language-dependent (see below for the Text Modules). |
This window is used to define the text modules that are printed in the output. With Load Default, the default texts for the language selected on the right can be loaded. These default texts are fixed and are available for the languages EN (English) and DE (German). |
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